The Huawei P30 Price Decrease

We all know that the price of a product inevitably falls after its release on the market. This means that buying it at day one is never worthwhile . This week Huawei P30 and P30 Pro were presented , and just late in the morning P30 Lite also came up . How will the prices of these smartphones drop?
To give us credible estimates is Idealo , the same Idealo who estimated the price drops of S10 and Mi9 . His calculations are based on the price trends of the top range of the past .
Small note before continuing : the estimate was calculated before the smartphone announcement, so the initial sale price could be different from the announced one. We will in any case indicate their data to have a consistency with the graphs presented in the gallery.
Here are the results.
In short, a fairly uniform decline for all the models considered. Therefore, to have real savings, you should wait at least a couple of months for a 20% write-down. Are so many? They are few? All that remains is to ask the monkey who paws on your shoulder (if you have it).