Fandango Fanticipation App Adds More Feature To Online Ticketing
Movies Premieres During Twilight Were Mostly Attended by Ticket Sales from Fandango |
The online movie ticket issuing site Fandango is proud to announce their newest feature and it is called Fanticipation.
The new product feature will be launched during the SXSW.
The site Fandango jumps into the bandwagon of movie Hollywood box office tracing trend using a fresh film trend meter.
The feature’s job is to analyze and collect the traffic brought by mobile and online users to the site.
This Friday during the South By Southwest or SXSW, movie goers will see a new perspective in ticket issuance.
It is dubbed as the public face tracking mechanism and it rates the involvement of users for recent and future movies.
It also accounts for the involvement and participation of movie goers on social networking sites as well futuristic ticket sales.
“‘Fanticipation’ captures Fandango’s unique ability to tap into moviegoer buzz and will be a great feature for both the industry and consumers,” declares Fandango prexy Paul Yanover.
Fandango is getting to add the tool during the site’s original digital video series, “Weekend Ticket,” which opens March 14.