World's First Glass Transparent USB Thumb Drive [VIDEO]
Our friends at Mini PC Pro showed us some of the most awesome future technologies that are already in the brew.
First off is this really glass LED panel displays.
We are all familiar with the traditional LED panels that are crammed with LEDs. What they got is j ust pure glass with micro diodes that are as transparent as glass. Whew!
Then there is the speaker glass, yep, it turns ordinary glass panels be it your car's windows, yes, you'd be able to listen to music.
I remember they also did this with magazines.
Well hell.
And finally the star is the the transparent USB thumb drive. If you think about it nothing is really special about this thumb drive other than it's sleeky cool looking transparent USB drive. The practical applications? Hmm.
Well check out the video and by the way this was shot in Taiwan.